Sociedad Argentina de Hematología

Revista Hematología






Revista Argentina de Hematología


Volumen:    5    # Number : 1

Publication Date :    Enero - Abril    Year:    2001


Authors: Arturo M. Musso

Abstract: They summarize The advances in the conociemiento of the mechanisms that regulate the normal eritropoyesis, and his alterations, have allowed to understand better the fisiopatología of different pictures of eritrocitosis, called generically policitemias. The globular mass and Epo's concentration in plasma allow his classification. The policitemias with globular increased mass there can be primary (normal or low Epo) or secondary (increased Epo), and also acquired or congenital. The Policitemia Vera is a disease clonal (Acquired Policitemia Primaria) and is the only one who compromises the sectors eritroides, granulocítico and megacariocítico. This disease represents a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge that must be resuleto without delay, to avoid the complications trombóticas and / or hemorrhagic that patient, in the immediate thing, and the evolucíon towards mielofibrosis, SMD and / or Luecemia Aguda, in the mediate thing. In the last years there has met sufficient information about the usefulness of the interferon, partner to flebotomías, for the treatment of the PV. Two reasons limit his employment, the bad tolerance in 25 % of the cases approximately and the high cost. Unlike the treatment with mielosupresores, the Interferon does not associate with an increase in the incident of malignant affections. In this communication are commented the intimate mecanísmos that they can lead to the development of eritrocitosis, as they are known at present, and the recent advances are analyzed in relation by the pathogeny of the PV. Finally one presents the experience with Interferon a2b recombinante That compromise the life of the patient, in the immediate thing, and the evolucíon towards mielofibrosis, SMD and / or Luecemia Aguda, in the mediate thing. In the treatment of eight patients throughout last 12 years.

Key words: Erithrocytosis - Polycythemia - Interferon

Pages : 1-8

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