Sociedad Argentina de Hematología

Revista Hematología






Revista Argentina de Hematología


Volumen:    20    # Number : 1

Publication Date :    Enero - Abril    Year:    2016


Stage IA Follicular Lymphoma: An Argentinian Survey

Authors: Stemmelin GR, Pavlovsky A, Basquiera AL, Zoppegno L, Rodriguez A, Zerga M, Dragosky M, Márquez M, Beligoy L, Cranco S, Cugliari MS, Enrico A, Gotta D, Pavlovsky M, Guanchiale L, Prieto S, Caeiro G, Golubitzky V, Bunzel S, Jaureguiberry R, Riva ME, Cerana S.

Abstract: In theory, the rare early-stage presentation of follicular lymphoma (FL) is curable with local treatment, although the concept of curability is difficult to define in an entity with a pattern of very distant relapses in time. Most studies report stages I and II together, but in fact stage II displays different forms of clinical presentation, many of which seem incurable beforehand. In contrast, most patients with nodal stage IA (s-IA FL) present with unique peripheral lymphadenopathy, which is accessible to local treatment. Despite international practice guidelines advocate radiotherapy (RT) as the preferred initial therapy, there are not prospective studies to support such approach; indeed, published surveys have reported dissimilar treatments. With the aim of analyzing the medical approach of s-IA FL patients at diagnosis and subsequent evolution, the Lymphoma Subcommittee of the Argentinian Society of Hematology (SAH) undertook the present survey.

Key words: Follicular lymphoma. Early stage follicular lymphoma

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