Sociedad Argentina de Hematología

Revista Hematología






Revista Argentina de Hematología


Volumen:    14    # Number : 2

Publication Date :    Mayo - Agosto    Year:    2010


Authors: Silvia J Benasayag, María I. Gallino

Abstract: T he oncohematology breakthrough is due, in large part, on the use of the cytogenetics techniques. These studies help to establish the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and monitoring of oncohematologic patients. T he cytogenetic nomenclature was established after a global consensus in the year 1971 and is in constant updating, following the development of new cytogenetic techniques. These techniques allows the characterization and communication of the chromosomal abnormalities which leads to disease. The knowledge of the cytogenetic bases and its nomenclature will enable to understand the mechanisms of leukemogenesis,to identify new genes and to improve the treatments.

Key words: cytogenetics, oncohematology, nomenclature.

Pages : 58-68

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