Volumen: 16 # Number : 2
Publication Date : Mayo - Agosto Year: 2012
Authors: Uribarri I.
Abstract: The discursive construction of a Clinical Case follows
specific rules expressed in a structure known as “format”
or “prototype”. The prototype differentiates the clinical
case from other scientific formats typically used in the
medical literature, such as the Original Paper. The current
paper explores the relationship of a rhetorical type—the
scientific description—within a prototype—the clinical
case. This relationship acquires significance the moment
one understands that the description is a discursive mode
which enables to communicate what is observed clinically.
To this end, the specific contents and the discursive
form of the sections that make up the Clinical Case are
examined: introduction, case presentation, discussion and
conclusions. Similarly, the classification of the Clinical
Case is reviewed according to the degree of novelty described:
unique clinical case, borderline case, or unexpected
progression. Thus, each of these options is related to
the knowledge derived from the description. The purpose
of this paper is to show how a scientific description can
prove to be useful to a clinical case.
Key words: clinical case, scientific description,
medical literature
Pages : 124-129