Sociedad Argentina de Hematología

Revista Hematología






Revista Argentina de Hematología


Volumen:    5    # Number : 3

Publication Date :    Noviembre - Diciembre    Year:    2001


Authors: Stemmelin G.R., Duboscq C, Shanley CM, Cerecetto JM, Rabinovich O, Schamun A, Tamashiro M, Gutierrez M, Castedo MG, Melgar M, Bullorsky EO

Abstract: The A Subunit of factor XIII (FXIII), which is the active part of FXIII, is almost exclusively synthesized by megakariocytes and precursors of monocytes and macrophages. We determined the FXIII in patients submitted to autologous (ABMT) and allogeneic (alloBMT) bone marrow trasplant. In 52 patients, 30 ABMT and 22 alloBMT, the FXIII activity was studied on fixed days (basal, half of conditioning, day 0, day +7, day +15 and day +30). When comparing with basal levels, a FXIII decrease was observed in all cases, reaching the nadir on day +7. FXIII reduction was signiflicanty more pronuonced in alloBMT than in ABMT. We could demostrate a correlation between FXIII activity and the needed time to reach engraftment. Seven of 52 patients (13,4%) had less than 10% FXIII activity, while only 3 of them presented associated haemorrhage. In alloBMT setting, levels of PAI were signiflicanty increased on days +7, +15 and +30. In conclusion, FXIII activity is alwasys decreased postBMT and the duration of this reduction is directly related with the speed of haematopoietic reconstitution. A different pattern of engraftment could explain the observed differences between alloBMT and ABMT. Finally, the lack of bleeding in patients with FXIII activity below the haemostatic level (<10%), could be due to PAI increase, wich could produce concomitant hypofibrinolisis.

Key words: FXIII - Bone Marrow Transplantation

Pages : 193-198

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